Wednesday, August 6, 2008

June 26 (DaPride x 2) and July 31, 2008

Wow.  Apologies our blog fell into such neglect.  Our main blog demon, Kim, is in Latvia; Eric (far more a technophile than I) was performing in the Toronto Fringe; and I have been involved in putting together a Mother Goose Show for Alderney Landing and directing "Le nozze di Figaro" for HSOW.

Farewell, Good Food Emporium!
We will miss this fine, quirky venue.  We look forward
to being back at the Emporium for an all-day Café on
Sat, Sept 6th for the GO North! festival.

DaPride Café

Back "home" at Mollyz Diner...or rather Menz Bar: remodelled with a traditional stage, a bar and a dance floor with tables set out cabaret-style...

...welcoming three guest performers from the Halifax Summer Opera Workshop -- Ariel Sinclair Chin, Meaghan Zantingh and William Lewans -- 

 -- as well as a drag act danced and lip-synched by our very own Schtev and drag king Oliver Hugh.

At the end of the busy evening, Eric and Amy performed a beautiful, heart-breaking DaBroadway duet for a few tables. We then reprised St. Sebastian'z Secretz, during which we read aloud or burned patrons' secretz, depending on which form of release they chose.

Queer Comedy Night

Amy, Keelin, Schtev, Chris, Eric and I regrouped on Sunday to perform a 20-minute guerilla version of the Café for Queer Comedy Night, hosted by April SHowers, during which we each prepared to perform our funniest sonnetz, 
monologuez, and songz.

Catered theatre do you let people "order" a performance on the spot?  And how can you be sure they want a performance at all?  What kind of performance can you "give away" as snack food?

July Café

We welcomed Rhys Bevan-John as a guest who offered Physical Theatre Antipasta.

The rather small audience allowed us to try out some new material -- Kate & Petruchio as finger puppets in a large wooden frame; Stand-Up Comedy/Sit-Down Tragedy; and a chilling scene from Edward II left over from Pride.

As always, much rehearsed material was not ordered or performed. 
A slow night for DaPoPo, and a quiet, pleasant (if slightly anticlimactic) evening of performance after DaPride with only a few friends and regulars in the audience.

     -  GaRRy