Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 25/09

"Where can you see DaPoPo at play?/Menz!" Sher Clain, Nathan Pilon, Garry Williams, Eric Benson, Steven Bourque, Kim Parkhill (and Keelin Jack at the keyboard) ham it up for Menz Bar in the DaBIG Ensemble Number.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May Café

For Amanda Campbell's blog-servations about her Café experience in "A Little Art for Your Pallet (sic)", visit: (PS - Amanda now has a new site for her blog, so this article can also be found at The Way I See It Theaatre Blog

OUT Bid!

Café DaPoPo made a whole lot of new friends at Halifax Pride's annual auction OUT BId! IV. Most of this audience was new to the Café's mode of operation, but I think it's safe to say they were won over. Sonnets, monologues, scenes and adult bedtime stories of all of a "queer bent" were received with applause. DaPoPo's signature group numbers, "No Flies, No Set!", the "Four-Directional Song of Doubt" and "Fuge aus die Homosexuellen" brought the house down.

"It was a real treat for us to have DaPoPo supporting us at this fundraiser," said Pride Chair Hugo Dann. "It's a thrill to expose the LGBT community to artists they may not have been aware of. The Café is definitely something our comunity can take Pride in!

(Eric Benson, Keelin Jack and Nathan Pilon lounge in the back room at Menz Bar during a rehearsal break.)