a free association block of jan29 café inspired words and phrasessock puppets finger puppets hand puppets the new and
awesome sparkled green grouchy tiny fisted bonnie-made-this-for-garry-from-an-old-slipper puppet singing singing singing carols of
christmas and consumerism tintinabulating rounds bosom buddies darryll dishing drinks good show tonight you guys improvized german song with bells for birthday girl droodles makes a monologue a dialogue shtick for
everyone what is shtick oh shtick shtick shtick they have to leave at nine thirty ten ten thirty time now now now annie andrea chris meghan sher keelin
cast in audience galore plus old friends new friends pptp-ing
friends the people-met-on-set friends the director who-cast-you-in-your-first-show-when-you -returned-to-acting friends shakespeare at the disco and in the garden incubating scenes gun song previewings la cages and julius thanks brutus blake takes photos photos photos cast photo now cast past cast all cast casting shadows of a christmas tree in the wake of a masked santa claus morality play garbled gargoyles of the god of the sun and he saw anyone for a ticket on an ipod? secrets juicy secrets
hugs and a partridge in the menz tree