Thursday July 21st, Halifax's lively DaPoPo Theatre breaks moulds and offers up their original theatre event Café DaPoPo, starting 7:30pm at Menz Bar. More than that: this one's for Halifax Pride 2011!

In our 5th annual DaPride Café – our first one was in July 2006 at the old Mollyz Diner –, queer specials abound! We celebrate the rich culture and creative contributions queer artists have made, living and working outside of traditional, often restrictive, social norms. We support sexual diversity and everyone's right to freedom, passion and pleasure.
At Café DaPoPo, you can order poems, songs, monologues, rants, scenes, improvisations, bed-time stories and more. We cater to your taste from the available menu selections. Ask for Canadian content, cross-dressing, comedic/or serious, contemporary/or classic or our very popular Sock Puppets.
Mouth-watering menu selections include uproarious from DaPoPo Theatre's original musical So… What About Love?; works by local songwriters and playwrights; cheeky bossa nova "Do You Take It…" (by special permission from the pleasure-positive comedy duo The Wet Spots); sensual monologues; dance; DaPoPo's improvised SexTangles; and our DaPride staples The Fruit Bowl, DaBawdy Politck and St. Sebastian's Secretz!

Guest performers Jessica Barry, John Han, Matthew Peach, Gina Thornhill and Holly Winter join DaPoPo regulars Kim Parkhill, Emily Shute and Garry Williams for a fun, sexy and unforgettable evening of at-your-table performances, tailored to your taste. Menu items range from $3.- to $17.-!