And another new venue, Bob & Lori's Food Emporium, plays temporary host to the Café as the Mollyz re-opening date stretches us to edge-of-seat anticipation. Paul Rogers, one of the new Bob & Lori's co-owners hooked us up with this wonderfully cozy location. It was a relatively slow night comparatively, but such a delicate ambiance for patrons with soft yellow lighting diffused over intimate booths and an eclectic arrangement of chairs and tables.
Mike C. presided over the hot cider pot and the Bob & Lori's guys slung out sammies and yummies in the early evening. Our lusty legion of performers carried on valiantly, despite complications of illness running rampant through the cast. Steven Heisler joined us for the first time, jumping headlong into the fray with vigor and amazingly good spirit. Ann Doyle, awesomely, was back again for the second time along with a handful of old-timers and new-timers.
We had given more attention to rehearsal this month, with specific matching up of work with observers and a push on scenes. The new venue gave an extra incentive to pull performances into small spaces, a fun thing for DaBig Scene. This was a remounting of the L'il Caezr Teazr from last month, but with 7 cast members for the 10 roles. Ann Denny, the original Cassius, had to leave early, so when the order came in, Mike Chandler grabbed a script, tied a scarf around his waist, armed himself with a plastic sword and took on the role. This last-minute substitution in itself added to the hilarity of our honestly-acted but decidedly camped-up version of Act V. Unanticipated "mere flesh wounds," missing counterparts for dialogue, huge stage whispers and CPR on the dowel horse... you get the idea.
Highlights: Garry's voice student Najet came with a group of friends; chorale Auld Lang Syne caressing the hushed room; the comment "Now I want to see the play!" after a reading of a section of Biography; Nathan plays an intimate Bowie, amp and all for his folks; Ann Doyle dons the tin-foil cap THREE times; Sher in her hockey helmet and pink sunglasses as Young Cato... there are more.
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