Saturday, August 15, 2009
Poverty Justice Café
Sunday, July 26, 2009
July 23/09
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June 25/09
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
May Café
For Amanda Campbell's blog-servations about her Café experience in "A Little Art for Your Pallet (sic)", visit: (PS - Amanda now has a new site for her blog, so this article can also be found at The Way I See It Theaatre Blog
OUT Bid!
Café DaPoPo made a whole lot of new friends at Halifax Pride's annual auction OUT BId! IV. Most of this audience was new to the Café's mode of operation, but I think it's safe to say they were won over. Sonnets, monologues, scenes and adult bedtime stories of all of a "queer bent" were received with applause. DaPoPo's signature group numbers, "No Flies, No Set!", the "Four-Directional Song of Doubt" and "Fuge aus die Homosexuellen" brought the house down.
"It was a real treat for us to have DaPoPo supporting us at this fundraiser," said Pride Chair Hugo Dann. "It's a thrill to expose the LGBT community to artists they may not have been aware of. The Café is definitely something our comunity can take Pride in!
(Eric Benson, Keelin Jack and Nathan Pilon lounge in the back room at Menz Bar during a rehearsal break.)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Our April Accompanist
Thursday, May 7, 2009
April 30/09
Thursday, April 2, 2009
March 26/09 Cafe
Cafe DaPoPo is an opportunity. The open format of patrons selecting theatrical treats to suit their tastes has incredible potential for a dazzling variety of performances - songs, scenes, schtick... all tailored to taste. This opportunity was capitalized on in March's installment. Despite some unusual challenges, including a number of new cafe performers and the sudden unexpected appropriation of half of Menz Bar's chairs, Cafe Impresaria Bonnie Archibald-Awalt kept the evening flowing smoothly and seamlessly, so the large crowd of Cafe patrons consumed their delicacies worry-free.
And what a variety of delicacies there were! The Cafe's unspoken promise of "A theatrical treat for EVERY palate" was upheld in style. If you've been to a Cafe before, you know the joy in discovering the wild variety of things going on around you, and this was never so clear to me as in this month's Cafe. As Keelin Jack and Ann Denny wrapped up a musical improvisation with a patron, every eye in the room caught the lumbering figure of a bespectacled Wolf in a suit, who sat down near us and proceeded to explain how he'd been a victim of three very inconsiderate and selfish little pigs. Minutes later, Steven Bourque and John Han, clad in short shorts and exercise gear came bounding through the room, drawing all eyes to Nutritional Diva Sher Clain's lessons on Trans Fats! As she and her backup dancers wrapped up their lesson, Steven Heisler (the Wolf of a few minutes ago), glided through the room to grace one lucky table with a delicate and heartbreaking scene from Michel Tremblay's "Hosanna".
Musical appetizers came to us in Holly Winter's rendition of Stephen Sondheim's tasty "Take me to the World", and John Han's new recipes for Shakespearean sonnets performed in the pop music idiom. These were bold experiments from two of Cafe's newest participants, and both show promise of even greater things to come. Ann Denny surprised and delighted us all with a song by a "part-time model". Whatever debt Ann owed to "Flight of the Conchords"' dubious-quality siren was brushed aside in this epic and hilarious saga of love and food-sharing.
For me, the most tantalizing treat of this month's cafe came in the big ensemble scene, a preview of DaPoPo's prospective future production: "Julius Caesar". While Keelin Jack's Marc Antony, lit only by flashlights, honoured the murdered Caesar with a cold mischievous fury burning in her eyes, the shadows of the citizens of Rome passed before us, caught only in sweeping flashlight beams, seizing upon words from Antony's incendiary speech, slapping, smacking, and bashing tables and chairs to lash out their growing fury. The senseless tragedy of Steve Bourque's Cinna, an innocent poet carried off by the faceless mob, was terrifying in its brutality.
Cafe Dapopo is an opportunity. For joy. For the unexpected. For art. For talented performers to share work they love with patrons who love succulent surprises.
Here's looking forward to the next opportunity to enjoy Cafe DaPoPo!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
February 28/Café Away
Saturday, February 28, 2009
February 26th/09 Café
When I was asked to join the February cast of Café for piano accompaniment, I was
overwhelmed by the thought of a higher caliber of work than I am used to. But
that didn't last as the thought of all the music, Shakespeare, and monologues to
be consumed that night excited me. I tried to do my best to learn the Sondheim
songs (for me, Sondheim at Café Dapopo is like getting a whole cheese cake to
myself at a real café), and even tried to tackle some classical pieces.On Café night, we performed to a smaller crowd than I am used to from my previous Café attendances. However, this allowed me to take my time and gave me a chance to take a closer look at the other cast members and observe their Café experiences. THESE ACTORS ARE BRAVE!! I have seen Nathan turn from a Prince (Agony) to George (Sunday in the Park with George), then to Silvius (As You Like It) within matter of minutes. Keelin wowed the audience with her rendition of Cabaret then, within seconds, she was taking shots of tequila with the audience (yes, you can order that.. and you should!). The audience members are so lucky to have such talented actors to put out their 100+%. I was even luckier to get a chance to work with them.
I brought some friends to Café who weren't too familiar with theatre or the Café
scene. They were surprised, delighted, rowdy and thought it was a great way to
spend your evening outing. So... why don't you make the last Thursday of each
month a Dapopo-Thursday?? Drama is more fun when there's more people to share it with.. just sayin!!p.s. did you check out that new ensemble number? sweet stuff... John
So, off we go to rehearse for March's Café (see side bar). Hmmmm.... I wonder what we'll have on the menu this month?? ......Sher
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Some Reflections On Two Years of Café Madness
Friday, January 30, 2009
Jan 29/09: Second Anniversary Café
The Pinter combo; original poems by local writers; Steve Cloutier, Natasha MacLellan and Michael Melski in the house to witness the performances of their respective contributions (scenes); Michael's birthday sextangle; Garry's improvized opera; a sneak peak of a "Four Actors" scene; Nathan's new puppet discovering Brutus; DaBig Ensemble number medley frantic, fun and fabulous; so many new faces in the audience too. Wonderfulness.
The winner of the iPod raffle was Sarah McCarthy. Hats off to our Sher Clain for organizing the fundraiser and to all our ticket sellers, especially Holly Winter who far surpassed everyone else in number of tickets sold.
And now - we get ready for Monday! The Berlin-bound ensemble is doing another Café to preview the menu we're getting ready for the Café DaPoPo international premiere in Potsdam, Germany on Feb, 28.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Second Anniversary & TWO Cafés!
January 29th @ Menz Bar
2182 Gottingen Street
7:30 pm - 11 pm
Second anniversary spectacular - as per the side bar over on the left of this page
February 2nd* @ The Good Food Emporium
2179 Gottingen Street
3 pm - 6 pm
A special Café for fans, friends and family of our youth ensemble - and anyone else who wants to come . We'll preview the theatrical menu we'll be offering for the international premiere of Café DaPoPo at museum FLUXUS+ in Potsdam, Germany! A mix of Café favorites and featuring the work of Canadian playwrights, poets and musicians.
Join DaPoPo veterans (Eric Benson, Kim Parkhill, Annie Valentina & Garry Williams) along with the DaPoPo Academy ensemble (Aaron Andreino, Sophie Fong, Ali Richardson & Holly Winter) as we dish up theatre the way you like it. Order supper or treats from Good Food's amazing kitchen (until 5 pm) and taste some performances DaPoPo-style. First come, first seated.
(* February 1st as was inaccurately mentioned by none other than me in the CBC-TV announcement. *sigh)