Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 26th/09 Café

As always, Café DaPoPo this month was a unique experience - a busy blast of performance preparation, rehearsals, organization, and work shopping.... and it all culminated in a very smooth, high caliber, performance night. A few highlights from my perspective were the big ensemble song (Nine People's Favorite Thing) that Andrew (Droodles) re-wrote and taught us - a huge hit -, Shakespeare pouring from every corner with Amy, Keelin, and Nathan falling head over heels for each other in As You Like It, Andrea and I getting to revive our Children's Hour scene for an appreciative audience, and Nathan and Droodles' rendition of Agony - complete with cravats and Andrew chasing Cinderella through the bar! Bonnie kept us on track and focused throughout the night as always - thank you!! - and we had a truly impressive surprise when John Han (who initially billed himself as a 'chord playing' piano accompanist) turned out to be 'ninja-in-training' on the keyboard!! Here's what John had to say about his first Café experience:

When I was asked to join the February cast of Café for piano accompaniment, I was
overwhelmed by the thought of a higher caliber of work than I am used to. But
that didn't last as the thought of all the music, Shakespeare, and monologues to
be consumed that night excited me. I tried to do my best to learn the Sondheim
songs (for me, Sondheim at Café Dapopo is like getting a whole cheese cake to
myself at a real café), and even tried to tackle some classical pieces.

On Café night, we performed to a smaller crowd than I am used to from my previous Café attendances. However, this allowed me to take my time and gave me a chance to take a closer look at the other cast members and observe their Café experiences. THESE ACTORS ARE BRAVE!! I have seen Nathan turn from a Prince (Agony) to George (Sunday in the Park with George), then to Silvius (As You Like It) within matter of minutes. Keelin wowed the audience with her rendition of Cabaret then, within seconds, she was taking shots of tequila with the audience (yes, you can order that.. and you should!). The audience members are so lucky to have such talented actors to put out their 100+%. I was even luckier to get a chance to work with them.

I brought some friends to Café who weren't too familiar with theatre or the Café
scene. They were surprised, delighted, rowdy and thought it was a great way to
spend your evening outing. So... why don't you make the last Thursday of each
month a Dapopo-Thursday?? Drama is more fun when there's more people to share it with.. just sayin!!

p.s. did you check out that new ensemble number? sweet stuff... John

So, off we go to rehearse for March's Café (see side bar). Hmmmm.... I wonder what we'll have on the menu this month?? ......Sher

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