Saturday, July 21, 2007

January 25 2007 First Café DaPoPo

January 25

Our first Café DaPoPo! It was so much fun for everyone. Our inaugural actor complement included the original seven: Steven, Pip, Andrea, Mike, Eric, Garry and Kim. We almost filled the main room at Mollyz and had a bit of turnover of some of the tables. We had originally expected a full house but a reservation of 20 didn't show.

We had certain challenges such as squeezing by each other in the teeny hallway that held our costumes, negotiating what performances should be prioritized and how to avoid utterly destroying a sonnet recitation with a raucous rendition of "Return to Sender."

Many of the people who came were known to us, but we also had several accidentals and a couple that showed because they read about it in the paper. They were absolutely lovely and really were into the whole thing ... enjoying both their own selections as well as the voyeuristic experience of other tables' performances. That's what it's all about.

A sock puppet toys with the hearts of patrons

Bruce and Micky worked the diner and thankfully everything worked out on the restaurant end. We ran over time but everyone was in high spirits and finished at midnight with thoughts of the next Café already in mind.

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