After our performance tonight, we went to Freeman's again. To cool down and refresh. I solicited comments from all of DaPeeps and a couple of DaPatrons who were present. Here are the results...
Please leave a thought/comment about tonight's Café for the blog:
Andrea and Eric's Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, after being prepared for five months was finally performed! Also, for a final hurrah, too late to make a difference, Kim tried to teach Chris what a boilermaker is - Eric
What a rush! This was a great Café. Lots of monologues, scenes, music and an exclusive cult happening of Pasta Bolero. Kate and Petrucchio by Andrea and Eric was dynamic. I loved reciting love poetry to Ivan and thanks to Meghan and Gina for bringing a wonderful group to perform for! - Sher
We believe that intimate theatre captures the patrons' attention, like when we were brought sonnets and happenings and a scene from The Sex Play. The personalized feel of the order is appreciated . On that note, the big musical numbers are also immensely enjoyed. Highlights of the night for us: Very intimate "Farewell to NS"...awww! as well as the Geographic happening (Fugue aus der Geografie). Thanks for another awesome evening! - signed with a drawing of balloon, heart and shooting star - Meghan and Gina (Third-time DaPatrons)
Note from Kim to Garry on sheet of paper: "Garry (If you don't do it now, you won't!!)"
Garry would not be pushed to write his thoughts at the time. He was enjoying the social time with the people around him. As well he should. That was the moment we were in. The Café was past. And so am I. For a little while anyway.
I spent a good deal of time in the back room doing performances for multiple tables who had ordered the same item. I thoroughly enjoyed opening the whole Café with a robust rendition of DaBig Ensemble number "Molly Mollyz." Other yummies: giving some very intimate monologues, silliness with James and the Giant Peach (with sensory stimulation), and an extraordinarily sloppy and salivacious Pasta Bolero. This was a great night to end my run at Café DaPoPo, or perhaps I should actually call it starting my hiatus. It is other engagements that will keep me away, nothing else. These monthly performances have been like a ride at the carnival: novel, thrilling and exciting. Sometimes scary and nauseating but only for that brief moment as you hover at the top of the drop. And after the drop? Possibilities. Always and many. And now it's time for a slightly different attraction. I hope I don't vomit. - Kim
Note from Kim to Garry on sheet of paper: "Garry (If you don't do it now, you won't!!)"
Garry would not be pushed to write his thoughts at the time. He was enjoying the social time with the people around him. As well he should. That was the moment we were in. The Café was past. And so am I. For a little while anyway.
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